Saturday, February 21, 2009

Netanyahu offers Livni Dy PM Netanyahu for national unity coalition

21.02.2009 11:41:51 Israel political is in midst of total neo political thoughts where the old gold labor party has received jolt and Likud party splinter groups Livni forming Kadmia outfit is in loggerhead for the top post in Israel governace nucleus role.

( - Finding himself in center of chaotic national event former PM Netanyahu has been loaded by the President to put up united front to govern the country.He is working for national unity coalition with centrist and left-wing partnersm to form broad unitycoaltion government."I call on Kadima chairwoman Tzipi Livni and Labor party Chairman Ehud Barak.Netanyahu said to Livni his counterpart
let's unite to secure the future of the State of Israel. I ask to meet with you first to discuss with you a broad national unity government for the good of the people and the state," Netanyahu said.

President Shimon Peres pressing to form national unioty coalition with knesset factions and Netanyahu on Friday accepted the formal invitation from President Shimon Peres to form the next government, saying he feels a great responsibility to provide Israel with security
and peace. He is now at helm of afafairs has offered the deputy Prime Minstership to Livini.

Parlours of leaders of chief parties with the objectrs of forming the next government is on by Netanyahu.The current Knesset parliament 09 parties with results Kadima secured 28 seats in the Knesset election, while Likud took 27 seats,YIsrael Beiteinu scored 15,Labor party languished at 13,Shas won 11,Jewish home a conglomerate of two won 3,United Tohrah Judaism won 5,United arab List-Ta'al at 4,National Union won 4,New movement-Meretz got 3,Balad won 3 were the major parties in the 120-member parliament.

The three left-wing parties of Kadima, Labor and Meretz combined received just 44 seats in the Knesset (not including the 3 Arab parties), while the right came home with 65.

Netanyahu on Friday accepted the formal invitation from President Shimon Peres to form the next government, saying he feels a great responsibility to provide Israel with security and peace.Netanyahu said that Iran poses the biggest threat to Israel since its War of
Independence, and that Israel also faces tough economic times ahead.Netanyahu, who held prime minister1990s, has six weeks to forge a coalition cabinet.

Livni said "I believe that it is in the national interest to establish a government as quickly as possible," said Peres at the press conference in Jerusalem."The people of Israel need governmental and political stability so that we will be able to cope with the challenges standing before us,"

Peres continued. "The challenges are varied and urgent. And the public expects expects that following the elections, a fitting government be formed that will roll up its sleeves and perform its duties faithfully."

Livni took a stand earlier in the day, Kadmia was unlikely to join a right-wing coalition headed by Netanyahu."A broad coalition has no value if it does not lead the way," said Livni after meeting with President Shimon Peres."There is a coalition here based on a lack of political vision," said Livni, "a coalition that will not allow me to exercise the way of Kadima." she would not join a government headed by Benjamin Netanyahu that would include Shas, Habayit Hayehudi and National Union, but she would be willing to consider a Likud-Kadima- Yisrael Beiteinu coalition.

Sixty-five MKs - all the right-wing and religious factions - recommended to Peres that he appoint Netanyahu to form the coalition. The left wing and Arab parties declined to make a recommendation.

Livni said Netanyahu was "asking us to join a coalition that he would first establish with Shas, which demanded that I stop negotiating with the Palestinians, and with Habayit Hayehudi and National Union, and with Bibi himself, who meanwhile refuses to talk about a two-state solution." She said she would not be able to explain to her voters
what she was doing in such a coalition. Peres on Friday met separately with Netanyahu and with Livni at his official residence in Jerusalem for talks on coalition-building.The
president summoned the two in an effort to promote a broad coalition
that would include both Likud and Kadima.Reports agencies

Naresh Sagar
Phone: 9810974027

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