Shekhar Kapur

My Uncle Dev Anand. V spoke about him as if he wld live forever. Mayb he will.That which seemed immortal passes into myth.
Akshay Kumar

One of the worst years so far, evergreen romantic actor/director Dev Anand Saab, the one who romanced with life is ...

The most energetic man and humble person Dev Saab is no more with us but his life and personality will always be an inspiration. R I P.

Dev sahib's sad demise makes me feel that the film industry is incomplete & has lost its magical energy. May Allah bless his soul.
Prabhu Chawla

": Legendary Indian actor Dev Anand passes away |". Yet another global and evergreen icon goes!
Azmi shabana

Dev Saheb robustly lived life on his own terms.he will be missed by millions but will live on thru his movies.I salute his spirit
Azmi shabana

Remembering Manish Acharya.Can't believe Its been a year since the talented director left us.
Amitabh Bachchan

T 579 - An era has come to an end .. Dev Anand leaves a void never perhaps to be filled again .. his never give up belief, his joy of life !
Amitabh Bachchan

T 579 -Had just met Dev Saheb at his premiere recently .. he was weak but full of spirit ..the news papers confirming his passing away ..sad

Mahesh Bhatt

"Dev Anand is dead". As the new dawn breaks over Mumbai I salute the memory of this star who has left left us with the glow of his smile.
Amitabh Bachchan

T 579 - Just reading news about Dev Saheb .. praying it is not true ! He was such a positive person .. never associated death with him ..