Friday, November 15, 2013

Pakistan wants resumption of dialogue with India

Pakistan wants resumption of dialogue with India
Pakistan on Wednesday said it wants the resumption of the dialogue process with India for resolving all outstanding issues, including the “core issue” of Kashmir.
Foreign Office spokesman Aizaz Chaudhry said Kashmir is the core issue between the two countries and its solution lies in the dialogue process, which should include the Kashmiri leadership.
Pakistan has always extended moral diplomatic and political support to the Kashmiri people for their “right to self-determination”, he was quoted as saying by state-run Radio Pakistan.
Asked about the engagements of Sartaj Aziz, the premier’s Advisor on Foreign Affairs, on the sidelines of a multi-lateral meet in Gurgaon Chaudhry said Aziz held talks with External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid and National Security Advisor ShivshankarMenon on all issues, including the situation on the Line of Control (LoC).
He told a weekly news briefing that the Directors General of Military Operations of India and Pakistan have had several contacts on the situation along the LoC and concurred on the need to normalise the situation at the international boundary. The ceasefireagreement of 2003 should be respected for a peaceful environment between the two countries, Chaudhry said.
Aziz also paid a courtesy call on Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and affirmed Pakistan’s desire for friendly and peaceful neighbourly relations with India. He handed over to Singh a message of good wishes from Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. Aziz also expressed Pakistan’s desire for resuming the dialogue process.
Responding to a question about new Pakistani Taliban chief Mullah Fazlullah Chaudhry said Pakistan has made it clear to Afghanistan several times that it should not allow its territory to be used against Pakistan. He expressed confidence that Afghanistan will take the required steps in this regard. Fazlullah fled Pakistan in 2009 and is currently believed to be based in Afghanistan. Chaudhry said a visit to Kabul by Prime Minister Sharif is on the cards but no dates have been fixed as yet.
Asked about the whereabouts of Afghan Taliban leader Mullah Baradar recentlyreleased by Pakistani security agencies, Chaudhry said he was in the country and could contact his family. Pakistan released Baradar to advance the Afghan peace and reconciliation process, he said.

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