Tuesday, November 5, 2013



Gunshots fired inside New Jersey mall, police searching for gunman

Phot from twitter.com user @NYCityBuff
Gunshots were fired Monday night at the Garden State Plaza mall in Paramus, New Jersey, and an evacuation of the building is in progress, officials said.
Police received notice of gunshots in the mall, located in Paramus, New Jersey, shortly before the facility’s 9:30 p.m. closing time, Chief of Staff at Bergen County Jeanne Baratta told AP.
Hundreds of law enforcement officers have gathered at the mall, and New Jersey State Police landed a helicopter in the parking lot of the 2.2-million square foot facility.
Baratta said SWAT teams and K-9 police units were going through the mall – described as one of the state’s biggest and most popular shopping complexes – and evacuating anyone who is still in the facility. As of 11:30 p.m., law enforcement officials believed there were still people in the mall, she said.
A local news channel also gave an account of the incident.
“According to a police source, the shooting began near the Nordstrom’s department store on the second level of the mall.  At least eight shots have been fired; the gunman is believed to be wearing body armor,”
In pics: How UK PM David Cameron and his wife celebrated Diwali in Hindu temple</p><br /> <p>http://indiatoday.intoday.in/story/david-cameron-wife-visit-london-temple-to-celebrate-diwali-united-kingdom/1/321658.html

Friends, </p><br /> <p>Our Mars Mission is just few hours from us. Join me in wishing all the best to #ISRO for this mission. </p><br /> <p>Gear Up for 2:38 PM</p><br /> <p>India is 6th only nation to achieve this. </p><br /> <p>Be a proud Indian. </p><br /> <p>#INCAchievment #NSUI

N. Korea ‘making progress’ on ICBM that could reach US – report

North Korea is making progress on an intercontinental ballistic missile capable of delivering a first-generation nuclear warhead to the continental United States, AFP reported, citing a leading US think-tank. The 38 North website of the Johns Hopkins University’s US-Korea Institute said Tuesday that KN-08 ICBM mock-ups seen at recent military parades in Pyongyang were “less fake” than originally believed. The mockups suggest an ability to assemble components and technology to produce missiles with theoretical ranges of 5,500km to more than 11,000km, experts say. “Almost all of the configurations examined would be able to deliver a light, first-generation nuclear warhead at least as far as Seattle,” they stressed.

Double suicide bombing, other attacks kill 12 in Iraq

A double suicide bombing and other attacks killed 12 people in Iraq on Monday, officials said. A roadside bomb hit two civilian cars near the town of Taji some 20km north of Baghdad, killing four and wounding three. Police said the road was often used by military convoys. Two police officers were killed and seven wounded when two suicide bombers set off their explosive belts at the police station gate in the northern town of Hawija.

Assange could have a second chance at Australian Senate seat

Julian Assange, founder of the anti-secrecy organization WikiLeaks, could make another attempt to represent Western Australia in the nation’s Senate. It comes after the electoral commission declared a new polling result – a decision that is expected to be appealed in the High Court. A recent recount found that 1,375 ballots had gone missing in Assange’s first run for Senate, and a High Court could order a new election. The WikiLeaks founder, who would represent constituents from the Ecuadorian embassy in London where he currently resides, contested September’s federal election and has since said that he would head the party’s ticket if a new election is held. Assange’s WikiLeaks party attracted nearly 41,700 primary votes out of almost 3.5 million overall.

Talks between Tunisian govt, opposition suspended

Talks were suspended Monday between Tunisia’s Islamist-led government and opposition parties when the two sides failed to agree on the nation’s next prime minister. The negotiations were hoped to be a break in the political stalemate that has hampered discussions since the 2011 Arab Spring. The Islamist government previously agreed to step aside later this month to facilitate a temporary administration that will oversee Tunisia’s elections. The talks have been suspended indefinitely “until there is solid ground for negotiations,” said Hussein Abassi, head of the influential union that brought the two sides together.

EU, NATO decry violence surrounding Kosovo elections

Both NATO and the European Union have denounced the violence in Kosovo over the weekend that highlighted the strength of hardline Serb resistance in the Balkan country. The condemnations from both organizations on Monday came as some questioned the validity of local elections that were meant to test the strength of an EU-brokered power-sharing agreement between Serbs and ethnic Albanians. “Whatever the situation is, it is obvious that the election in the north of Kosovo failed,” Agron Bajrami, editor of the Kosovo daily Koha Ditore, told Reuters. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Hashim Thaci said the results should stand “regardless of the blackmail…or isolated acts, the citizens in the north have decided to be part of the electoral race, of the vote, part of democratic life.” It remained unclear whether polling results in the north would be validated.


Syrians in humanitarian crisis, 6.3 million homeless – UN

Approximately 9.3 million Syrians – around 40 percent of the country’s population – are currently in need of humanitarian assistance as the country’s 2.5 year civil war continues to be fought, the United Nations humanitarian office said Monday. UN humanitarian chief Valerie Amos told the UN Security Council that the situation “continues to deteriorate rapidly and inexorably” and that of the 9.3 million who need help, “6.5 million people are displaced from their homes, within the country.” She pleaded with global leaders to provide medical supplies, doctors, and assurance that humanitarian workers will be safe when trying to help Syrians. Making matters worse, experts are worried that a polio virus which has already paralyzed 22 children in Deir al-Zor province, located on the border with Iraq, could spread throughout the country.

Bahrain convicts 10 Shias in connection with ‘Iran-backed’ assassination plots

Four Shia Muslims have been sentenced to life in prison and another six sentenced to 15 years by a Bahraini court after being charged with organizing a cell within Iran’s Revolutionary Guard to allegedly assassinate leaders in the Arab Gulf kingdom. While Tehran denies the accusations, Bahrain has accused Shia-run Iran of generating unrest in Bahrain since the 2011 uprising by the majority Shias. Fourteen others were acquitted and two of those who were sentenced were tried in absentia, according to state news agency BNA. Bahrain is a western ally and is the base for the US Navy’s Fifth Fleet. The country has experienced some turmoil since the 2011 uprising, leading to a harsh crackdown on activists. The head of Bahrain’s public security has said the group was part of an “Imam Army” with ties to Iraq and Lebanon.
NATO chief urges Pakistan to keep Afghanistan supply lines openNATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen called on Pakistan Monday to continue to allow NATO forces to use its supply lines to Afghanistan despite Pakistani anger over a US drone strike that killed a Pakistani Taliban leader. A drone strike in Pakistan’s tribal area that allegedly killed Hakimullah Mehsud on Friday was denounced by Pakistani officials as hindrance to its upcoming peace negotiations with the Taliban. As a result, Pakistan threatened to cut off needed supply lines and demanded answers from the US. “I feel confident that the Pakistani authorities will maintain open supply routes and transit routes because it is in Pakistan’s own interest to contribute positively to stability and security in the region,” Rasmussen said in a news conference.

​US is sensitive to Pakistan concerns after drone kills Taliban leader ahead of talks – Kerry

US Secretary of State John Kerry said Monday that while a US drone strike that killed a Pakistani Taliban leader Friday was justified, Washington is also mindful of Pakistan’s concerns that the strike will hinder peace talks with Taliban leaders. Hakimullah Mehsud was allegedly killed Friday along with three others in a US drone strike on a location in Pakistan’s tribal area. Pakistan immediately denounced the strike as an attempt to unravel peace negotiations between the country, and Taliban members within it. Kerry would not confirm the Mehsud killing, but said the organization he led has killed many Americans, Afghans and Pakistanis in recent years. ”We are sensitive to the concerns of the country and we look forward to working very closely with the government of Pakistan,” Kerry added.

​US ‘had neither authority nor desire’ to intervene in Syria – Kerry

There could be no military solution to the Syrian crisis, and the United States had neither “the legal authority nor desire” to intervene in Syria, US Secretary of State John Kerry said during Monday talks with Saudi Arabian leaders in Riyadh. Both Kerry and Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal dismissed recent US-Saudi disagreements over the situation in Syria as being related to tactics rather than to ultimate goals. Kerry then reiterated that the US stands strong on its position that Syrian President Bashar Assad must step down, and that Washington will not allow Iran to receive nuclear weapons. Urging the Saudis to participate in the Geneva-2 peace conference on Syria, Kerry described a negotiated settlement as “the best way to end the bloodshed, respond to the humanitarian crisis in Syria, to counter the violent extremist groups.” He also assured his Saudi allies that Geneva-2 “will not turn into 3, 4 and 5,” and that if Assad stays in power, the Americans would “change their policy from diplomacy to changing the balance on the ground.” Saudi Arabia has for more than a year lobbied Washington to either launch air strikes or impose a no-fly zone against Syria, as well as to train and arm the opposition.

3 killed after knife-wielding man hijacks bus in Norway

A knife-wielding man hijacked a bus in the Norwegian town of Ardal, killing three people on board including the bus driver, local police said. The suspect, described as a man in his 50s, was arrested. The motive was not immediately clear, according to officers. It remains unclear whether there were any injuries.

Saudi Arabia FM: We quit UN Security Council in protest over lack of Syria solutions

Saudi Arabia refused its temporary seat at the UN Security Council last month because the body failed to stop the war in Syria or effectively punish Syrian President Bashar Assad for his alleged use of chemical weapons, Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal explained. “We can’t claim to have these high moral values if we do nothing here,” the official said during a joint press conference with US counterpart John Kerry in Riyadh. Saudi Arabia has been pushing for the removal of Assad, and has funded rebel fighters in the country since almost the beginning of the internal conflict in 2011.

Warring Muslim sects declare ceasefire in Yemeni town

Shiites and Sunnis have reached a ceasefire after several days of fighting left the town of Damaj in northern Yemen with a death toll of over 100 people. “We hope that there will be a permanent cease fire and that the problem will be solved for good,” UN envoy to Yemen Jamal Benomar said, as quoted by a state news agency. Armed clashes broke out on Wednesday after Shiites accused Sunnis of recruiting foreign nationals from the local Islamic academy to fight against them.

Saudi Arabia FM: Policy differences with the US a normal part of relations

Policy differences between Saudi Arabia and the US is a normal part of relations between any two countries, Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister Prince Saud al-Faisal said after meeting with his US counterpart, John Kerry. He praised bilateral relations as “based on independence and respect” and serving mutual interests. He stressed that any disagreements have been mostly on tactics rather than on goals. The two discussed the Syrian issue and Prince Saud said Saudi Arabia realizes that talks are necessary to end the conflict. He stressed that“negotiations should not go on indefinitely.”

EU considers cutting down on plastic bag use

The European Commission on Monday unveiled a proposal for reducing the use of thin plastic bags, which would encourage the EU member states to introduce measures ranging from taxes and national targets to bans. The proposal stopped short of an EU-wide ban, and it would be up to the member countries to decide how to limit the use of carrier bags with a thickness below 50 microns (0.05 millimeters), which are believed to be causing major damage to the environment. “Some member states have already achieved great results in terms of reducing their use of plastic bags. If others followed suit, we could reduce today’s overall consumption in the European Union by as much as 80 percent,” Environment Commissioner, Janez Potocnik, said in a statement. Potocnik apparently referred to the case of Denmark, where only 4 bags per person per year are now used following taxation, as opposed to some 466 in Poland, Portugal and Slovakia. An estimated 98.6 billion plastic bags flooded the EU market in 2010, the Commission said, contaminating the diet of the majority of North Sea birds, adding that some of them were later found in the stomachs of endangered marine species.

Japan unveils its largest-ever solar power plant

Kagoshima Nanatsujima Mega Solar Plant, the country’s biggest facility which covers over 1.2 million square meters, has opened in southeastern Japan “We would like to contribute to new development and improvement for human societies through a new type of energy production from Kagoshima, the place where many courageous samurai challenged the ancient political and social regime in the 1860s to reform the country,” said the plant’s director, Nobuo Kitamura. The plant, which is partially located on reclaimed land and cost about $270 million, will operate 290,000 solar panels, enough to provide electricity for over 22,000 households.

Death toll in sectarian fighting in Yemen reaches 100 people – reports

The death toll in sectarian fighting in a northern town in Yemen has reached 100 people after overnight shelling between rival Shiite and Sunni Muslim groups. On Sunday the death toll was put at 58 people, a Salafi spokesman said. A Red Cross delegation traveled to Damaj in a convoy of four vehicles, but was attacked by Houthi snipers, who shot and killed a local translator. The violence in the town some 40 kilometers from the border with Saudi Arabia, began on October 30, and has continued despite government attempts to broker a ceasefire.

Russian woman believed to be killed in Thai ferry crash alive – consulate

The Russian woman, who was earlier confirmed dead among the victims of the Sunday tourist ferry boat crash in Thailand, “survived the crash” and her state was wrongly reported because of passport confusion at a hospital, Andrey Dvornikov, of the Russian Consular Department in Bangkok told RIA Novosti. “Miracles really occur in this world. The Russian woman, whom we all believed to be dead, turned out to have made it alive from the sunken vessel. Right now she is beside me. A mistake happened at a hospital – its personnel confused the names and the passports of the victims,” Dvornikov said. He added that the Russian woman was confused for a dead Polish national.

​Kenya charges 4 Somali men with abetting Nairobi mall attack

A Nairobi court has charged four suspected Somali Islamist radicals with “commission of a terrorist act” – the September attack on an upscale mall that killed 67. The men also face accusations of using false documents and harboring terrorists. All have pleaded not guilty. Somalia’s Al-Qaeda affiliated Al-Shabaab militia took responsibility for the attack.

Kerry reassures drifting Saudi Arabia during Gulf visit

US Secretary of State John Kerry has tried to calm Saudi Arabia’s concern about Barack Obama’s diplomacy-driven foreign policy during an official visit to Riyadh. “The Saudis are very, very important to all of us. The Saudis are really the senior player in the Arab world together with Egypt,” said the Democrat politician. A senior Saudi official recently said that the Middle Eastern state was “shifting away” from Washington’s compromise-seeking position on Syria, Israel and Palestine. The country also gave up a temporary seat on the UN Security Council in protest.

Sunken Thai tourist ferry captain ‘took alcohol, drugs’ – report

The captain of the ferryboat that capsized in Thailand on Sunday was found to have taken alcohol and drugs, the Thai state news agency MCOT reported. Police in the Thai resort city, Pattaya, detained the 48-year-old captain after a local court issued an arrest warrant against him. At least 7 people were killed in the accident, which took place in the Gulf of Siam, including 3 Russian nationals. The Russian Foreign Ministry, however, has so far confirmed the death of only one Russian woman. More than half the 200 passengers were injured, 15 of them seriously. While the boat is said to have capsized after its engine stopped and people rushed to the upper deck, it was reported that it also struck an underwater rock, according to Itar-Tass.

Indonesian volcano erupts, hundreds evacuated

Hundreds were evacuated within a 3-kilometer radius of an Indonesian volcano in Sumatra, which erupted for the third time in three months, officials told Reuters. No casualties were reported. Mount Sinabung ejected a 7km-high plume of ash into the air on Sunday, which led to the evacuation. Four villages with around 1,293 inhabitants around the mountain were pulled out with the aid of the military; however, that number is expected to rise. The distance to the provincial capital, Medan, is approximately 88 kilometers. Just one month prior to Sunday’s eruption, an estimated 14,000 people were displaced when volcanic activity gave worrying signs. Mount Sinabung is but one of nearly 130 active volcanoes, all in a country with the fourth largest population on the planet. The most severe incident in recent years was the eruption of Mount Merapi in the densely populated city of Yogykarta, in 2010, claiming 350 lives.

Pakistan’s dictatorial ex-leader Musharraf granted bail

Pakistan’s former leader, Pervez Musharraf, was offered bail in a case related to the murder of a cleric, Reuters reports. Monday’s news comes after months of house arrest and legal debate about what to do with the former military dictator. A member of Musharraf’s legal team told reporters that ”the court has granted him bail,” adding that the former head of state “will not leave the country and will face all the cases.”

​Rights court orders Chile to pay compensation to Pinochet regime victim

The Inter-American Court of Human Rights ruled on Sunday that the Chilean government must pay some $32,000 to Leopoldo Garcia Lucero, who endured two years of imprisonment and torture during the 1970s military dictatorship led by Augusto Pinochet. He has been living in Britain since 1975, when he was exiled by the country’s Interior Ministry. The court said Chile was guilty of an “undue delay” in responding to Lucero’s request for exoneration, which he filed after democracy was restored in the country.

Two Egyptian policemen killed as Morsi trial looms

Unknown gunmen killed two police officers near the Egyptian city of Ismailia late Sunday. Another policeman was injured after the attackers fired at a police checkpoint from their car, AFP reported. The assault comes just one day ahead of Monday’s trial of deposed Islamist President Mohamed Morsi. Security forces are on high alert as Morsi and 14 other Muslim Brotherhood figures prepare to stand trial. They are charged with inciting the killing of protesters during anti-government unrest last December.

Suicide bombers target police HQ in Iraq

At least three policemen were killed on Sunday after three suicide bombers attacked a police headquarters in the restive central Iraqi city of Baquba, AFP reported. One of the attackers detonated a car bomb outside the police compound while another blew himself up in the ensuing chaos. A third bomber blew himself up at the entrance to the main building after entering compound territory.

Security threat forces brief evacuation at Alabama airport

A security threat at Birmingham-Shuttlesworth International Airport in the US state of Alabama prompted a brief evacuation Sunday afternoon. At the moment “the airport has been secured and operations are resuming,” the airport said on its Facebook page. Almost all outgoing flights had been delayed and at least seven incoming flights were diverted to other airports due to the unspecified threat.
Media agencies


“Plan de Promoción de Colombia en el Exterior”

Exhibition Name: Ping Pong
Artists: Angela Maria Restrepo and Suhasini Kejriwal
venue: M F Hussain Art Gallery, Jamia Millia Islamia University
Date and Day: November 06, 2013, Wednesday
Time: 5:00 pm
Agenda: Opening and Dialogue with the artists
Launching of their works in a form of a book
Followed by High Tea and Coffee.
Some salient features of the exhibitions:
  • The exhibition is an unique concept, where two months back when the two artists exchanged 20 words/themes/phrases and created drawings. Now, the Embassy is in process of collaboration of the works from two artists and put up in the gallery.
  • This project will be exhibited with other artists in China, Thailand and Australia as a part of “Plan de Promoción de Colombia en el Exterior”
  • The artists from Colombia and India are available for interviews and interactions
It will be really great if you would like to take this further and carry it!
We are looking forward to hear from you soon.
Please find attached the invitation.
Best regards,
Jatin Mendiratta
Communications and Media Relations
Embassy of Colombia



Dear  Naresh,
Namaskar !!!,
Please find  Attached,  Invitation of  PRESS CONFERENCE   …….
DATE    —       6th November Wednesday
TIME        —     p.m.
VENUE    —–    Press Club of INDIA ( 1 Raisina Road, New Delhi – 110001)
On Social Awakening of Nation
2400 Cold Blooded Murders
AbNormal Deaths
Child Trafficking,
Illegal Clinical Tests on Destitutes.
etc……….. etc……….etc…..
Jai Hind
Kindly Confirm to …..…………..
 A J N I S H
M +919811362087 / 9312163330
Vice President – “WIN FOR NATION” NGO 
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A Very Happy ,Prosperous & Safe Diwali. ! ! !


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