Monday, October 21, 2013



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Quijote Wallah Project

Quijote Wallah Project 
Una representación teatral que surge de un enorme graffiti en una pared móvil, basado en una de las obras fundamentales de la literatura universal, Don Quijote, es el punto de partida de este proyecto multidisciplinar. El graffiti, el teatro, la literatura, las artes visuales, Internet y las redes sociales, la regeneración de espacios urbanos y mucho más se dan la mano en la creación del Quijote Wallah Project. El mundo onírico y surrealista que no sólo sueña, sino que vive Don Quijote no resulta tan lejano de nuestro presente. Sus congéneres le tratan de loco por el mero hecho de percibir la vida de forma
distinta. Y sus pensamientos, sentimientos y emociones le conducen por un mundo que, por no entenderle, en la mayoría de las veces le golpea o se ríe de él, y en las menos alcanza mínimamente a comprenderle concediéndole así un exiguo descanso.     
26 y 27/10/2013 Instituto Cervantes, 7:00 p.m. (+)
A theatre performance coming out from a graffiti on a moving wall, based on one of the major works of the universal literature, Don Quijote, is the starting point of this
multidisciplinary project. Street art, theatre, literature, visual arts, internet and social networking, urban landscape regeneration and much more are involved in the Quijote
Wallah Project. The oniric and surreal world not only dreamed but lived by Don Quijote is not far away from the real and present world. He is treated by his fellows as crazy
man simply because he looks at the world in a different way. His thoughts and his feelings and emotions leads his life through a world which doesn’t understand him, so it
sometimes hits him, other times laughs at him, and very few comprehends him and gives him a peaceful rest.      

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 5, 7, 12, 14, 19, 21, 26 y 28 de noviembre; 3, 5, 10, 12, 17 y 19 de diciembre de 2013; 2 y 7 de enero de 2014  Instituto Cervantes, de 6:00 p.m. a 7.30 p.m. 
Taller: ”Tango”
Si aún no has podido apuntarte a nuestros cursos de tango de fin de semana, ahora tienes ocasión de practicarlo los martes y jueves.  Aprende a moverte al son de uno de los bailes más famosos de america latina, de la mano de Kiran Sawhney. (+)
Workshop: “Tango”
All If you have not joined our tango weekend classes yet, now you have the opportunity to pratice it on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Learn to dance one of the most famous dances of Latin America, with Kiran Sawhney.  (+)
foto agenda   
27/10/2013Auditorio, Instituto Cervantes, 4:30 p.m.  
Ciclo de cine cubano: “Boleto al Paraíso”Cuba, 1993. Eunice es una adolescente que huye del acoso sexual de su padre. Alejandro es un joven rockero que, después de robar en una farmacia, se dirige a La Habana con un par de amigos. El destino hace que los dos jóvenes se encuentren en la carretera y, a partir de ese momento, emprenderán juntos la búsqueda del Paraíso.  (+)
Cuban film series: “Ticket to Paradise”Eunice is a teenage girl who is running away from her father’s sexual harassment. Alejandro is a young rocker who breaks into a drugstore and escapes to Havana with a couple of friends. When they meet on the road, they decide to travel together in search of a paradise. This will mark the rest of their lives. They are homeless, during Cuba’s ‘special period’ of acute shortages, and the local AIDS hospice begins to look like an unlikely refuge… (+)

25 y 27/11/2013
Instituto Cervantes 
Women by Women
Women by Women
10, 17 y 24/11 y 1/12/2013Instituto Cervantes
Ciclo de cine ecuatoriano
Ecuadorian film series 
foto cervantes mundo
Rabat:  “Muestra de cine contemporáneo en español” (+)
Rabat: “Festival of contemporary cinema in Spanish” (+)
foto cervantes mundo
Berlín: Exposición: “Pablo Picasso. Mujeres – Toros – Antiguos maestros” (+)
Berlin: Exhibition: “Pablo Picasso. Women – Bullfights – Ancient masters ” (+)
INSTITUTO CERVANTES DE NUEVA DELHI  |© Instituto Cervantes, 2013. Reservados todos los derechos


India not to shy away from discussing HFCs under Montreal Protocol, says CSE


It should take the lead in setting terms and conditions for any agreement on HFCs
•25th meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol begins in Bangkok today. Debate on whether HFCs can be discussed under the Protocol
•HFCs are greenhouse gases, and cause thousand times more global warming than carbon dioxide
•The majority of HFC emissions is in developed countries; developed countries must phase out HFCs by 2017-2020 and enable conditions for a one-time transition for developing countries to leapfrog to climate-friendly technology
•The Government of India should agree to set up a contact group to discuss the management of HFCs
•Setting up a contact group for discussing amendments as proposed by North American states and island nations is premature; need to first achieve clarity on matters of finance, legality, technology and scope of transition
•CSE supports a resolution at UNFCCC to move HFCs to Montreal Protocol but with clear agreement that the differentiation between developed and developing countries will stay. The principle of equity, as established by UNFCCC, will underpin all negotiations on this issue in the Protocol
New Delhi, October 21, 2013: Should hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) be discussed under Montreal Protocol? This is one of the key questions dividing the international community on the opening day of the 25th meeting of the Parties to the Protocol. The meeting has begun in Bangkok, Thailand, today.
HFCs are greenhouse gases. Like carbon dioxide, they cause global warming – only that a tonne of HFC causes thousand times more global warming than a tonne of carbon dioxide. There is a concern that increased consumption and emissions of HFCs from refrigerators and air-conditioners, where they are used as refrigerant gases, will lead to more global warming.
What is the HFC tug-of-war all about?
CSE climate researchers point out that over the past year, there has been increased political momentum to move the HFC discussion to the Montreal Protocol; HFCs are currently under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).The US has consistently pressured emerging economies such as China and India to open up discussions on HFCs under the Montreal Protocol. To do this, it has proposed amendments to the Protocol.
Emerging economies, however, oppose this: they say that the Montreal Protocol is not the appropriate platform to discuss HFCs. There are two reasons for this:one, HFCs are already being discussed under UNFCCC; and two, the Montreal Protocol is mandated to discuss only ozone depleting substances,which HFCsare not.
But developed countries counter that the use of HFCs has increased due to the phasing-out of ozone depleting substances such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and hydrocholorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) by the Montreal Protocol. Therefore, they should be discussed under the Protocol.
Says Sunita Narain, director general, Centre for Science and Environment (CSE): “Discussing how the world is going to address HFCs is important. The Government of India should agree to set up a contact group to discuss the ‘management of HFCs’ under the Montreal Protocol. However, oweversetting up a contact group just to discuss the amendments proposed by few countries is premature.”
What is the danger?
The phase-out of CFCs began with the discovery that CFCs were causing a hole in the earth’s ozone layer. This allowed UV rays, with harmful health implications like cancer for human beings, to enter the atmosphere. Countries therefore decided to move to HCFCs as an interim solution. HCFCs were less harmful than CFCs, but still had ozone depleting potential.The deadline for developed countries to phase-out CFCs was 2000 and HCFCs is 2020; developing countries phased out CFCs in 2010 and have begun phasing out HCFCs in 2013, with a timeline until 2030.
The primary alternative to HCFCs in developed countries has been HFCs — at present, most of the HFCs are consumed in these countries. In 2010, developed countries accounted for two-thirds of all HFC emissions; the US’s was close to 30 per cent while India’s accounted for just 1 per cent of the total HFC emissions.
Says Chandra Bhushan, deputy director general of CSE and head of its climate change team: “It is clear that the transition from HCFCs is leading to a rise in HFC emissions. This is expected to continually increase as developing countries too begin to phase-out HCFCs.”
Currently, HFCs contribute just about 1 per cent to climate change; the maximum contribution is from carbon dioxide due to burning of fossil fuels. But it is projected that the contribution of HFCs will grow to 8-10 per cent by 2050 under a business-as-usual scenario. To arrest this growth, the world will have to phase-out HFCs and move to alternatives like hydrocarbons that have low global warming potential and also make refrigerators and air-conditioners more energy efficient.
Advises Bhushan: “Developing countries, that have still not moved to HFCs, should leapfrog to non-HFC alternatives. However, certain conditions must be satisfied to ensure an equitable transition in future. CSE has made some recommendations in this respect.”
What CSE recommends
1.Invite and discuss HFC submissions from all countries under the Montreal Protocol:
The Government of India should agree to setup a contact group to discuss the management of HFCs where countries can turn in their submissions on how Montreal Protocol should address control of HFCs. Such a discussion within a formal group would ensure the discussions go beyond just the US’s proposed amendments and include the larger issue of management of HFCs, such as the finance and technology aspects of a transition.
2.Developed countries should phase out HFCs by 2017-2020: Developed countries cannot be allowed to phase down HFCs until the mid-2030s, as the existing US proposal suggests. CSE proposes that the developed countries should phase out HFCs between 2017 and 2020, and begin working towards it today. This will have the additional advantage of opening up the market for alternatives and new environment-friendly technologies for developing countries to leapfrog to.
3.Developing countries should leapfrog to non-HFC alternatives: Developing countries should not follow the chemical treadmill adopted by developed countries. Instead of moving to HFCs from HCFCs, developing countries should make a one-time transition from HCFCs to non-HFC alternatives like hydrocarbons.
4.Reform the Multilateral Fund: The Multilateral Fund (MLF) which pays for the technical and financial assistance needed by developing countries to control substances under the Montreal Protocol, needs to be reformed. While the MLF has been effective in ensuring timely phase-out in the past, its current design does not support a transition that assists in leapfrogging.
5.Differentiation between developed and developing countries under Montreal Protocol should remain: Of late, there has been increasing discussion on blurring the differentiation between developed and developing countries. Under the Montreal Protocol, developed countries are mandated to support developing countries’ transition through financial assistance, but increasingly developing countries are being asked to voluntarily put money into the MLF. Says Narain: “This cannot be allowed. Such discussions would serve to only further alienate developing countries from the HFC phase-out, where a key demand of theirs is the reliable and sufficient provision of finance and technology from developed countries.”
6.Discuss the family of fluorinated gases under the Montreal Protocol, not just HFCs: HFCs are part of the larger family of fluorinated gases that cause global warming. F-gases include HFCs, perfluorocarbons (PFCs), sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) and nitrogen trifluoride (NF3). They all are potent greenhouse gases and some are used as replacements for ozone-depleting substances. NF3, used to make microelectronics, including solar photovoltaic cells, for instance has a global warming potential of 17,200. This means that NF3 is 17,200 times more potent than carbon dioxide. These gases are expected to grow significantly. An approach that addresses only HFCs and overlooks the other super greenhouse gases is a piecemeal solution — all the F-gases, therefore, must be discussed under the Montreal Protocol.
7.Resolution at UNFCCC needed to move HFCs to Montreal Protocol: Any move to shift HFC discussion to Montreal Protocol should be duly agreed to by countries under the UNFCCC.


Jury examines the entries to Woodpecker film festival


The film festival jury met at Zorba the Budha  at Ghitorni in New Delhi.
Twenty members jury were selected from various sector to examine and select the films .There were total of seventy films found place in the festivaL out of total entry of more than hundred movies.
Four Commmittee of  four to five members each were engaged eye  the screening of the movies .
Films  securing more than sixty percent marks  in the range of good  to excellent will find place to the long list the  next level of examination and engagement to select the best film of the festival?Jury chairperson Mr Kunal Verma, other members are Ms Mitu Verma,  Mr Vikram Rajola,  Dr Manasvvini M Yogi, Ms Usha Goel,  Mr Pinaki Dasgupta, Mr Tapan Choudhry, Mr Anurag Mahindru, Mr N K Sagar, Mr Anurag Arora, Mr Pradeep Misra, Dr Nisha Varghese, Mr Rakesh Kishore, Mr Pradeep Narayanan, Mrkailash Bhutani,  Mr ArkoProvo Bose, Ms Aditi Sinha,  Ms  Dilmeet Bhasin, Ms Geeta Sahai.

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