Monday, October 7, 2013

European Business and Technology Centre
Guiding European Businesses & Researchers to India

From the Directors Desk

Dear friends, supporters and colleagues,
The third quarter has been a busy period with a number of significant events for EBTC, probably too many to list in a Directors note. We’ve had missions, events, delegations, numerous reports launched, but this September saw a major milestone achieved with the launch of the European Technology Experience Centre (ETEC) starting with our Bengaluru office. The ETEC is a dedicated platform for European technologies in India – truly connecting EU solutions and the Indian market on a real as well as virtual platform. Read about some of the technologies being incubated at the ETEC in this issue of the newsletter, and for more information, visit the ETEC page:
With no real platform to meet, the last week of September saw EBTC really bridging the current disconnect between Indian investors and EU technologies. With the ‘Connect to Investors’ event in Mumbai, and the ‘EU-India Cleantech SME Investor Forum 2013’ in Bengaluru, EBTC took the much-needed steps in bringing EU technologies to Indian investors. Outcomes from these events will be shared soon.
The upcoming Greening Cities event is gaining momentum and is looking to be a very powerful mission and event with a great programme and many opportunities for interactions on urban development issues.
We’re thrilled to be using new media and innovative forms of communication to further collaboration and knowledge sharing efforts. I’m excited to announce that after a successful launch of the first livestream EBTC-Cleantuesday event held in Delhi and Paris in July, a second event will be held in Kolkata and Paris on October 28th. After a brief hiatus, our next webinar series is back every other Wednesday from October 16th - titled Wednesday Webinars, the series launches with exploring cleantech business opportunities in North-East India and, presenting a study of mobility trends in Indian cities and its implications. 
During the month of September, in addition to a number of successful events, we were privileged to host a discussion with Latvia’s Foreign Minister, H.E Edgars Rinkevics and five new studies / reports spanning IPR, transport, and biotechnology, have been uploaded on the EBTC website for your perusal. A reminder of our other upcoming events in transport, energy, environment, trade and IPR is listed in this newsletter.
Thank you for all your continued support, we welcome any feedback, enquiries, and hope to interact with you soon,
With warm regards.
Poul V Jensen (Director, EBTC)
EBTC’s European Technology Experience Centre (ETEC)
Launch of the ETEC
September 10th 2013, Bengaluru

A novel initiative, the ETEC will aid the main objective of EBTC to support research and business community - in Europe and India - to work together to generate new ideas and business and promote technology transfer between these regions. The Centre aims to enhance collaboration between EU and Indian entities which will be achieved by using a unique approach which saves both time and money for the involved technology stakeholders, while conducting initial market research. This Centre lets Indian researchers, entrepreneurs and projects developers to physically and virtually experience the EU technologies on display and directly connect with technology provider.

>> Read more  |  Press release

Technology focus: European technologies incubate at the ETEC

Some of the technologies currently incubating in the ETEC and looking for Indian collaborations include:
  • Solid Oxide Fuel cells (Sunfire GmbH, Germany)
  • Environmental and energy solutions (IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, Sweden)
  • Green factory concept (Fraunhofer IFF, Germany)
  • Organic Rankine Cycle turbomachines (Enertime SAS, France)
  • Water desalinations systems (D&R Globe, Spain)
  • Promotion of hydrogen as a clean energy carrier to power transport and stationary applications (European Hydrogen Association)
  • Solar Water Supply (Sowasu, Netherlands)

The ETEC is inviting EU technologies and solutions to incubate in India free for a limited period (until February 2014). To find out more about technology incubation services, and how it can benefit you:

>> Download the brochure  |  Visit the Centre's webpage
>> Contact:

The Virtual ETEC Platform: Under development by Serious Games International Limited (UK)

The creation of the ETEC allows visitors to experience a virtual reception, walk through the technology exhibits, see videos and demos of the technology of interest and hold meetings with EU/India companies via video conference. The development of a user interface also enables companies to access a data library in Bangalore, making it easier for them to locate, use records, data and research held by EBTC. This virtual platform is being developed by Serious Games International Ltd.

>> Read more

Latvia’s Foreign Minister, H.E. Edgars Rinkevics, visits EBTC
September 19th 2013, Delhi

Latvia’s Foreign Minister H.E Edgars Rinkevics visited India from Sept. 12-20, 2013 in an effort to build stronger ties between Latvia and India. To explore European Union projects for supporting SMEs, he visited EBTC’s office in New Delhi on September 19th 2013. accompanied by a business delegation including representatives from the sectors of education, business consulting, transit and logistics, metalworking and the film making industry who were briefed by EBTC on its’ services to support EU entities in doing business (or research) in India in a collaborative manner.
Mr. Poul V. Jensen (Director, EBTC) along with colleagues Mr. Monish Verma (Environment Sector Specialists, EBTC) and Mr. Mohsin Khan (Senior Executive, EBTC) provided insights on how to create stronger business links between the two countries and promoting closer cooperation.
>> Contact: Mr. Mohsin Khan (Senior Executive)

16th October 2013
The North-east region of India, otherwise known as the Seven Sister States, offers untapped business potential for EU clean technologies. 
Key Speakers:
  • Mr. Kaushik Maitra (Joint Managing Director, Sulekha Works Pvt. Ltd.)
  • Mr. Suman Lahiri (Regional Manager, EBTC)
This webinar will:
  • Present issues and related cleantech opportunities in the North-East region.
  • Discuss challenges and how to overcome them.
  • Highlight case studies from the North-east region.
  • Q&A
30th October 2013
The past decade has seen enormous developments in the transportation infrastructure in India. 
Key Speakers:
  • Dr. Ashish Verma (Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Science (IISc))
  • Mr. Dibyendu Sengupta (Transport Sector Specialist, EBTC)
This webinar will:
  • Will discuss some of the key findings from an international project – the ‘Global Mobility Monitor Network (GMMN).
  • Focus on the Indian results of the project.
  • Will provide a comparative analysis between five representative sample Indian cities of Delhi, Bangalore, Lucknow, Indore and Guwahati.
  • Q&A
28th October 2013, Kolkata, Paris & Online
Connecting cleantech from France and India, the second livestreamed event takes place in Paris, Kolkata, and through live video streaming. Participate in person or online:
>> Learn more and register for the next EBTC-Cleantuesday event

[IPR EVENTS] The 4th EU-India Science, Technology & Innovation Cooperation Days
10th – 11th October 2013, Paris
IPR Capacity Workshop
7th November 2013, New Delhi
Seminar on the European Patent System
25th November 2013, Hyderabad
27th November 2013, Bengaluru
28th November 2013, New Delhi
>> Contact: Mr. Arvind Chopra (Head-IPR)
The Green Factory of the Future
7th – 8th October 2013, Bengaluru 
As part of the RIB initiative, a two-day programme is being organised in Bengaluru to present an EU technology that is exploring opportunities for commercialization in India. A select group of Indian industry and researchers are invited to the technical presentation and discussion on funding, IP and commercialization. This is one in many technology presentations that EBTC is organizing under the RIB Initiative, to interact with EBTC's partners, to learn about their research, potential applications, and explore opportunities for commercializing their technologies from Europe, in India.

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