Thursday, October 31, 2013

Boletín informativo. Jueves 31 de Octubre 2013.
Primavera, Primarias socialistas 
Por José Manzanares | Una oportunidad, un impulso que convendría no desaprovechar. Al contrario, las demandas de los militantes, la respuesta social (movilizaciones…) y sostenida a las políticas de recortes del Gobierno del PP son una ocasión para que, en la Conferencia Política del PSOE, exista una propuesta de realización de elección de Primarias abiertas de candidato/a socialista a la Presidencia de Gobierno.
El jefe del CNI comparecerá por el espionaje de EEUU 
Rajoy ha avanzado que el Ejecutivo solicitará que el director del Centro Nacional de Inteligencia , Félix Sanz Roldán, comparezca “la próxima semana” en el Congreso para dar información en torno a las supuestas actividades de los servicios secretos estadounidenses en España.
Los sindicatos sí importan 
Por Mohamed Haidour | Un estado con sindicatos maniatados o con sindicatos perseguidos, no es un estado democrático, no es un estado libre, no es un estado de derecho.
“A los de la ‘marea verde’ ni caso, a los de negro, a los de la antigua sotana, bien firmes se colocan” 
Tras tener conocimiento de que el Gobierno del PP se plantea una enmienda en el Senado para implantar la religión obligatoria en el Bachillerato.
Miles de personas despiden a los mineros fallecidos 

Amancio Ortega, Juan Roig y Sandra Ortega Mera, los tres españoles más ricos 
El fundador de Inditex, Amancio Ortega, es la primera fortuna de España con un capital de 47.600 millones euros, seguido del presidente de Mercadona, Juan Roig (5.800 millones de euros).
Lou Reed en Madrid: dos momentos paradigmáticos 
Por Tato Cabal | Viernes, 20 de junio de 1980. Nuestro hombre, pongamos que se llama Julián, era entonces un joven de veintipocos años que todavía no había terminado la carrera de arquitectura…
Declaran constitucional la Ley de Medios argentina 
Miles de personas celebraron frente al Congreso el fallo de la Corte Suprema, una victoria para el gobierno, después del revés electoral del pasado domingo.
Campamentos de segregación de romaníes, una lacra para la ciudad de Roma 
Las autoridades municipales de Roma gestionan un sistema discriminatorio de viviendas subvencionadas de dos niveles que niega a miles de romaníes el acceso a una vivienda adecuada.
El sol desencadena la quinta llamarada solar X en 5 días 
Es, además, la quinta mayor llamarada solar Xde todo el ciclo 24, desbancando la X2.2 de 15 de febrero de 2011, durante ‘las tormentas solares de San Valentín’.
· Sergio Fernández Ruiz: Un año de movilizaciones en la Sanidad madrileña 
Hace ahora un año que se iniciaron las movilizaciones en la Sanidad Pública de Madrid en respuesta al anuncio de la Consejería de Sanidad…
· Cándido Marquesán Millán: Reformas constitucionales, las que sean necesarias, pero, sobre todo cumplimiento de la Constitución 
Una de las cuestiones de actualidad a nivel político, social y mediático es la conveniencia de una reforma de nuestra Carta Magna…
· Antonio Antón: Seguimos en el túnel 
Persiste un intolerable desempleo. Según la EPA del tercer trimestre de 2013, 5,9 millones de personas continúan paradas…
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Gujarat Government crack downs on right to freedom of expression.


·        Activist and villagers detained and house arrests in wee hours of the 31st morning.
·        Gujarat Government says tribles and activists do not speak up when CM is around or go to jail, at Kevadia.
On 30 October 2013, we 4 activists, Rohit Prajapati, Trupti Shah, Amrish Brahmbhatta, Sudhir Biniwale, were put under house arrest by Rajpipal police even before they had reached venue.
They were followed by police vehicles right form Devalia chokadi when they were travailing from Vadodara to Rajpipala. When they reached the place in Rajapiala there are as standing guards out side the place as if they are criminals. No policemen talked with them why they are doing so, what are the charges against them.
Meanwhile our activists and villagers from more than 7 villages are being detained from their homes by the police, again without pressing any formal charges. At midnight our activist Lakhan Musafir, Dhirendra Soneji, Dipen Desai, Rameshbhai Tadvi from Indravarna village, Shaileshbai Tadvi form Vagadia village, Vikrambhai Tadvi and 2 others form Kevadia and other villagers were detained illegally to create atmosphere of terror inside villages to prevent planned well-announced peaceful hunger strike in villages.
As we are writing this at 6 a.m. on 31st morning so far we know at least 10  people from 5 villages are detained and taken to various police stations.
We fear further more police action shortly. This press release is to communicate that we activist and villagers had only announced symbolic protest in our own houses by staging day long hunger strike. Note, we were not to assemble at any public place or sit on dharana at any public place. The sit on protest in our own home is aimed at protecting our land, forest, livelihood, river, (jan ,jangal jamin, nadi, janavar). Only because the Gujarat chief minister Mr. Narendra Modi is schedule to preside the program for his plans for what he called the world’s largest statue, ‘The statue of Unity’. We had been denied the fundamental right to express our rights even in our own home. The statue of unity comes at what cost whose cost?
Rohit Prajapati          Swati Desai
Paryavaran Suraksha Samiti
For More detail Rohit Prajapati © 9426977940, Trupti Shah © 9427937162, Dipen Desai © 9427922.46




October 2013

Global growth is in low gear and its underlying dynamics are changing. Though the advanced economies are growing, growth has slowed in several major emerging economies. According to the World Economic Outlook released by the IMF, global growth is forecasted to average at 2.9% in 2013 and 3.6% in 2014. This is less than forecast made in the July 2013 World Economic Outlook, partly due to a natural cooling in growth following the stimulus-driven surge in activity after the Great Recession as well as structural bottlenecks in infrastructure, labor markets, and investment contributing to slowdown in many emerging markets.

Growth in major emerging markets, although still strong, is expected to be weaker than the forecast in WEO July 2013. In the advanced economies, output is expected to expand at a pace of about 1.2% in 2013 and 2% in 2014. The emerging and developing economies are projected to expand by about 4.5% in 2013 and 5.1% in 2014, as fiscal policy is forecast to stay broadly neutral and real interest rates to remain relatively low.

Real GDP across countries
  Source: PHD Research Bureau, compiled from IMF World Economic Outlook

On the manufacturing front, the rising output with increased retail sales suggests Europe ’s recovery from recession is broad based and self sustaining. Though Japan ’s industrial output decreased in August, China ’s manufacturing activity increased to a 17-month high. Annual inflation was recorded at 3% in August 2013 in G20 countries while inflation in the euro zone fell to its lowest level in three and a half years. With the government shutdown in the USA for 16 days, stock markets in the US were muted in September. However, the signing of the US Debt deal to end the government shutdown not only stabilized world’s largest economy but helped emerging and developing markets too in terms of liquidity concerns.

In light of such a scenario, international bodies such as IMF suggest that a new round of reforms will be necessary especially for the emerging economies if growth is to be sustained in the face of a more challenging external environment. The advanced economies are experiencing persistently weak investment since the crisis which has slowed the growth of capital and risks holding back productivity growth during the recovery. Repair of the financial system and regulatory reforms to improve incentives for lending to business would help to unlock private investment during the recovery.

GEM for the month of October 2013 is attached.

We welcome your suggestions and comments for the same.

Warm regards,

Dr. S P Sharma
Chief Economist


CMD OIL travelled by Metro

Sri SK Srivastava, Chairman and Managing Director, Oil India Limited, on 30.10.13 travelled by Metro from his residence to office at Noida. This is in keeping with Petroleum and Natural Gas Minister, Sri M Veerapa Moily’s  campaign for once-a-week use of public transport for government employees to conserve oil. The Minister has requested chief ministers, central ministries and PSU heads to declare one day of the week as ‘bus day’.
On 9.10.2013, Wednesday, Sri Moily travelled to work by the Delhi Metro, keeping his promise to travel by public transport every Wednesday, as part of his drive to promote fuel conservation and help cut India’s massive oil import bill.


Dear Naresh – Another gang-rape in Delhi! Last week,


Help us reach 10,000 signatures against rape and we will read out many of your comments on a national radio broadcast, reaching millions of homes across India.

Dear Naresh -
Another gang-rape in Delhi! Last week, a school girl was sexually assaulted by three men in a car. 
The Delhi police are working on the case butpunishing the accused is not enough. It will not stop such incidents from happening  in the future. Naresh, you and I need to speak up now.
Horrific incidents like these happen because many people don’t consider it wrong. Until this changes, the rapes will continue. 
We at Jhatkaa believe that if thousands of us start talking about this issue, more people will get to know that rape is one of the worst crimes and that it is unacceptable. Sign our petition
If many people comment and we get 10,000 signatures in the coming week, we will read out many of your comments on a national radio broadcast, reaching millions of homes across India.
We cannot remain silent as these incidents happen more frequently. Hearing your message will encourage more people to speak up. It will also show others that rape is unacceptable. Perhaps we can evenprevent many assaults from occurring.
Naresh, this might be one small step. But we look forward to making this big difference with you. 
Thank you for being part of this change.
Rachita and the Jhatkaa team

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