Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Boletín de Nueva Tribuna 
Boletín informativo. Miércoles 23 de Octubre 2013.
Estrategias para ganar competitividad: innovar frente a reducir salarios 
Por Jorge Blazquez Lidoy | Economistas Frente a la Crisis | Es difícil medir la competitividad de un país. No hay una métrica clara. Por ejemplo, la idea de que los países con superávit de balanza de pagos son “más competitivos” está muy extendida, pero es totalmente falsa.
Rescates e incertidumbres 
Por Alicia Durán | Los PGE 2014 del CSIC merecen un análisis detallado, tanto por ser el mayor centro público de investigación del país, y por tanto el de mayor presupuesto, como por estar en el ojo del huracán después de la situación de práctica quiebra técnica desde julio de 2013.
El Presidente del TC debe explicar algunas cosas 
Por Joaquín Aparicio Tovar | Pérez de los Cobos debería dar, en pos de la exigible transparencia y exquisito comportamiento, algunas explicaciones sobre su papel como administrador único de una sociedad fundada en 2003 llamada Labour Prospectives.
Rubalcaba exige al Gobierno que se disculpe con los parados 
El secretario general del PSOE insiste en que Sáenz de Santamaría se disculpe con los parados y Montoro “con todos los que ha ofendido”.
· Juan Torres López: Los sindicatos en la picota 
La realidad demuestra sin lugar a dudas que ni uno solo de los derechos que hoy disfrutamos se ha conseguido sin sindicatos. Ni uno solo…
Wert, de persona ‘non grata’ a un “portento de humildad” 
El ministro se jacta de ser un político humilde ante la fuerte contestación suscitada por su ley de Educación y las protestas convocadas esta semana. La Plataforma Estatal por la Escuela Pública ha registrado una carta en el Ministerio en la que declara al ministro “persona non grata” y “enemigo de la educación”.
· María Dolores Amorós : La CEOE y el Tribunal de Estrasburgo 
Al parecer no son suficientes las medidas de Ana Mato para matar a los que en este país residimos, y mira que la ministra pone todo su empeño es conseguirlo…
La Audiencia Nacional excarcela a la etarra Del Río 
El Pleno de la Sala de lo Penal de la Audiencia Nacional ha ordenado por unanimidad la excarcelación de la etarra Inés del Río después de que el Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos rechazara este lunes el recurso del Gobierno contra la sentencia que condenó a España a indemnizarla por haberle aplicado la ‘doctrina Parot’ con carácter retroactivo, informaron fuentes jurídicas.
La Fundación de Aznar culpa a Zapatero de la sentencia de Estrasburgo 
El secretario general de FAES, Javier Zarzalejos, acusa al Gobierno del PSOE de negociar con ETA la derogación de la ‘doctrina Parot” en el proceso de paz.
Empresa y consumidor, unidos en la responsabilidad 
Por Ana Palencia | Unilever trabaja sin descanso para conseguir que los consumidores que elijan nuestras marcas puedan hacerlo firmemente convencidos de que están ejerciendo una elección de consumo responsable.
Cómo pagar menos en el recibo de la luz bajando su potencia 
Distintas organizaciones han lanzado una campaña para explicar a los ciudadanos cómo pagar menos en la factura de la luz mediante la bajada de la potencia contratada.
Casi 200 madrileñas podrían tener cáncer de mama sin diagnosticar 
Maru Menéndez exige a la ministra de Sanidad que abra un expediente informativo y determine responsabilidades penales y patrimoniales del gobierno de Ignacio González ante el retraso de 7 meses en la realización de mamografías preventivas que está afectando a 30.000 mujeres en la Comunidad de Madrid.
La retirada de símbolos franquistas, a debate de nuevo en el Congreso 
Casi seis años después de la aprobación de la Ley de Memoria Histórica, la Izquierda Plural recuerda que todavía pueden verse muchos símbolos franquistas en espacio públicos y edificios propiedad del Gobierno.
94% de la población en España respira aire contaminado 
Ecologistas en Acción denuncia que las administraciones públicas continúan sin tomar medidas decididas pese a los 19.940 muertes prematuras al año por esta causa.
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The spectre of Kashmir and Bombay Cinema’

23 10 2013
Nehru Memorial Museum and Library
cordially invites you to a Seminar

at 3.00 pm on Thursday, 24 October, 2013
in the Seminar Room, First Floor, Library Building


‘Transfigured Landscape:
The spectre of Kashmir and Bombay Cinema’


Prof. Shohini Ghosh,
Jamia Millia Islamia,
New Delhi.

The brutal unfolding of the violent conflict in Kashmir; its representation and reportage has reconfigured the discursive imagination around the landscape and its people. While images of the picturesque landscape have circulated widely, the inhabitants of Kashmir have been strangely missing. Bombay cinema has for the longest time, privileged the stunning landscape of Kashmir while emptying it of its inhabitants. At the cusp of the 21st century, the missing inhabitants return as militants to haunt the imagination of Bombay cinema catalyzing thereby far-reaching formalist and narrative shifts while at the same time, producing a force field of powerful affects. The spectre of a `resistant’ Kashmir, this presentation will argue, reanimates the cinematic image by inaugurating a `new’ cinema of action, melodrama, sensation and spectacular star bodies. 

Prof. Shohini Ghosh is Sajjad Zaheer Professor at the AJK Mass Communication Research Centre, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi.  She is the author of Fire, A Queer Classic, 2010 and Director of Tales of the Night Fairies, a documentary on the sex-workers movement for decriminalization.

GAIL signs Gas Cooperation Agreement with Government of Bihar

23 10 2013
Patna, October 23, 2013 : In a landmark development to expand the natural gas footprint in eastern India, GAIL (India) Limited today signed a Gas Cooperation Agreement (GCA) for Natural Gas Infrastructure and City Gas Distribution with the Department of Industries, Government of Bihar. The GCA was signed here in the presence of Shri Nitish Kumar, Hon’ble Chief Minister of Bihar, Dr. Renu Kumari Kushwaha, Hon’ble Minister for Industries, Shri A. K. Sinha, Chief Secretary,  Shri B. C. Tripathi, Chairman and Managing Director, GAIL, Shri Naveen Verma, Principal Secretary, Industries, Shri Prabhat Singh Director (Marketing), GAIL, and other senior officials from Department of Industries and GAIL (India) Limited.
Under the provisions of the GCA, GAIL and the Bihar Government will evaluate the feasibility for cooperation for the development of the use of eco-friendly fuel, especially natural gas, in the state as well as development of natural gas distribution and city gas infrastructure in identified urban areas and cities after obtaining due authorization from the Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board (PNGRB).
GAIL is constructing the 2,050 km. Haldia – Jagdishpur pipeline from transmission and distribution of natural gas, of which about 621 km. will pass through 14 districts of Bihar. The mainline of the Haldia Jagdishpur will cover 04 districts of Bihar such as Kaimur, Rohtas, Aurangabad, Gaya and 10 districts for the spur lines. GAIL will explore the possibility of City Gas Distribution in major towns of Bihar along this pipeline route.
GAIL and Industries Department, Bihar will also work towards promotion of joint venture for City Gas Distribution projects for domestic, commercial, industrial and transport sectors with the participation of GAIL or its wholly owned subsidiary GAIL Gas Limited and concerned departments of the Bihar Government, other state agencies or private players.
As per the GCA, Natural Gas Demand Assessment and Preliminary Techno Economic Feasibility Study will be undertaken for evaluation of medium and long term gas demand potential for the state for industrial, commercial, transport and residential sectors; assessment of pipeline infrastructure and associated facilities required for supply of natural gas including optical fibre network; and evaluation of natural gas supply options to Bihar on a long-term and competitive basis.
Photo caption: GAIL India) Limited & Deptt. of Industries, Bihar sign Gas Cooperation Agreement in presence of Shri Nitish Kumar, Hon’ble Chief Minister of Bihar and Shri B C Tripathi, CMD GAIL in Patna
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MTS India Announces The Commercial Roll Out of Its 3GPLUS Telecom Network

23 10 2013
~All set to become the FIRST telecom operator in the country to provide ubiquitous 3GPLUS network coverage across all its circles of operations~

  • Launches, next generation MBlaze Ultra dongle on its 3GPLUS network, powered by Evolution – Data optimized (EV-DO) Rev. B Phase II technology, offering download speeds of up to 9.8 Mbps.
缳pan style=’font:7.0pt “Times New Roman”‘>         MBlaze Ultra device has been priced at just Rs.1299 for both prepaid and postpaid customers.
缳pan style=’font:7.0pt “Times New Roman”‘>         Bundled offer – New prepaid customers just need to pay Rs. 1399 to get an MBlaze Ultra dongle along with 10 GB data usage with 30 day validity.
缳pan style=’font:7.0pt “Times New Roman”‘>         Upgrade Offer – Existing postpaid MBlaze customers can get an MBlaze Ultra dongle by paying just Rs. 750 with complete cash back.
缳pan style=’font:7.0pt “Times New Roman”‘>         Looking ahead, MTS also plans to launch a slew of Smart phones, enabling customers to further utilize the power of the 3GPlus network.

3Gplus logo (3)New Delhi, 23rd October, 2013 – Sistema Shyam TeleServices Limited (SSTL) that provides telecom services under the MTS brand today announced the commercial roll out of its “3GPLUS” telecom network based on state-of-the-art Evolution-Data Optimized (EV-DO) Rev. B Phase II technology. This announcement of historic significance comes within two weeks of the Company receiving its third spectrum carrier from Department of Telecom (DoT). The roll out is all set to make MTS India, the FIRST telecom operator in India to provide ubiquitous 3GPLUS network coverage across all its 9 circles of operations i.e. Delhi, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kolkata, Uttar Pradesh (West) and West Bengal. With this historic announcement, MTS India takes a giant leap in providing a significantly enhanced data experience to its customers wanting to access streaming multimedia. To experience the full power of its 3GPLUS network – MTS India has introduced MBlaze Ultra – a next generation Hi-Tech dongle providing data speeds of up to 9.8 Mbps. Looking ahead, the Company has also drawn plans to launch a slew of smart phones by the end of the 2013, enabling customers to further utilize the power of the 3GPlus network. 

According to Dmitry Shukov, Chief Executive Officer – MTS India, “MTS India is credited for several industry firsts that has enabled it to stay a step ahead in terms of innovation. Adding to this list, I feel extremely proud to announce the commercial roll out of our 3GPLUS network, powered by state-of-the art EV-DO Rev. B Phase II technology. This announcement is yet another testament of our commitment to provide world class telecom services to our customers”. Dmitry further added, “With this historic roll out, MTS India is all set to become the only telecom operator in the country to provide ubiquitous 3GPLUS network coverage across all its circles of operations”.

MTS India is credited to be the FIRST telecom operator in the world to have launched the Rev. B Phase II version of the EV-DO network in Jaipur, Rajasthan in September, 2011. Globally, EV-DO networks run in some of the most data hungry countries in the world including the US, Japan and Korea.
According to Leonid Musatov, Chief Marketing & Sales Officer – MTS India, “MTS’ 3GPLUS network will redefine the way customers experience mobile broadband as we roll out MBlaze Ultra across India. This state-of-the-art network empowers us to provide an enhanced consumer experience with even higher speeds, superior indoor penetration and outdoor coverage”. Leonid added, “With an enhanced network and best in class tariff plans, I am confident that all our customers will cherish the MBlaze Ultra experience”.

More About 3GPLUS Network
The commercial roll out of the MTS’ 3GPLUS network is all set to greatly enhance the mobile broadband experience of MBlaze Ultra users. Compared to Rev.B Phase I, the EV-DO Rev. B Phase II technology further enhances BTS cell capacity, spectrum efficiency and peak rate, thereby achieving high speed rate as high as 4.9 Mbps in single frequency carrier and 9.8 Mbps in two frequency carrier bundle.࠼o:p>

MBLAZE ultra (3)MBlaze Ultra; Freedom From Buffering – MBlaze Ultra enables customers to have a seamless, buffer free video watching experience.
缳pan style=’font:7.0pt “Times New Roman”‘>         MBlaze Ultra device has been priced at just Rs.1299 for both prepaid and postpaid customers.
缳pan style=’font:7.0pt “Times New Roman”‘>         Bundled Offer – New prepaid customers just need to pay Rs. 1399 to get an MBlaze Ultra dongle along with 10 GB data usage with 30 day validity.
缳pan style=’font:7.0pt “Times New Roman”‘>         Upgrade Offer – Existing postpaid MBlaze customers can get an MBlaze Ultra dongle by paying just Rs. 750 with complete cash back.
缳pan style=’font:7.0pt “Times New Roman”‘>         A range of *tariff plans have been made available for both prepaid and postpaid customers.
Data Usage
5 GB Unlimited
1 Month
Rs. 700
10 GB Unlimited
1 Month
Rs. 999
Rs. 875
15 GB  Unlimited
1 Month
Rs. 1298
Rs. 1199
20 GB Unlimited
1 Month
Rs. 1498
Rs. 1399
*MBlaze Ultra tariff plans provide greater value for money than any other 3G Data plans offered by competing telecom operators.

MBlaze Ultra – All About Accessing Multimedia Content
缳pan style=’font:7.0pt “Times New Roman”‘>         MTS TV – Using MBlaze Ultra dongles, customers can watch over 100 Live TV channels across different genres – News, Entertainment, Music, Sports and Regional etc.
缳pan style=’font:7.0pt “Times New Roman”‘>         Games on Demand – Using MBlaze Ultra, customers can access to more than 350 games across different genres including Action, Racing, Strategy, Education etc.
缳pan style=’font:7.0pt “Times New Roman”‘>         MTS iDivine – MBlaze Ultra customers can get access to live ‘Darshan’ and more from over 500 shrines across India.
缳pan style=’font:7.0pt “Times New Roman”‘>         MTS Entertainment – MBlaze Ultra customers can access the MTS Entertainment portal to download latest Bollywood songs, videos and a lot more.࠼o:p>

About Sistema Shyam TeleServices Ltd
Sistema Shyam TeleServices Ltd. (SSTL) is a venture, involving equity participation by Sistema JSFC {LSE: SSA} of Russia, the Russian Federation and the Shyam Group of India. Sistema is the majority shareholder in the Company which operates its telecom services under the MTS brand. MTS is well recognized in India and worldwide for its commitment to high quality and innovative telecom solutions. MTS has recently been ranked by Millward Brown as 82nd most valuable brand in the world. For More Information, please visit

Warm regards, 
Supreet Ahuja
Adfactors PR Pvt. Ltd.

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