Saturday, September 8, 2012

Demand Compensation and Rehabilitaton for villagers who have lost their homes Button: Sign My Petition

Sign My Petition

Naresh -

51 villagers have been standing neck deep in water for 15 days to protest the illegal raising of the Omkareshwar dam that has flooded their homes. They need your support.

Illegal Actions of MP Govt.

The water level in Omkareshwar and Indira Sagar dams in the Narmada Valley has been illegally raised, in violation of the Supreme court orders. As a result, large areas of land has submerged.

However, the people living in those areas haven’t been compensated or rehabilitated.

I have started a petition asking the CM to intervene to address the grievances of people.

Supreme Court Orders Not Followed

Although the Supreme Court has clearly ordered that these oustees have to be rehabilitated 6 months before submergence, thousands of families who are yet to be rehabilitated are now being submerged in complete violation of the courts orders.

Villagers Protesting

After their pleas and protests to get fair compensation failed, the villagers have started a Jal Satyagraha, as a last attempt. They have been standing in neck-deep water of the Omkareshwar dam for 15 days now. They have developed blisters all over their body and their condition is getting worse everyday.

Sign my petition to join me and 1500 others in telling the Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister and the District Magistrate of Khandwa village to immediately compensate and rehabilitate the oustees of the Omkareshwar and Indira Sagar dam

Thanks for taking action,

Sarika Sinha via

Photo Credits : Pallav Thudgar

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