Monday, February 6, 2012

UN-led fact-finding mission to observe the situation in Tibet.

Since last March, at least 19 Tibetans, mostly monks and nuns, have set themselves on fire in protest of Chinese government policies. Every Tibetan in Tibet are sufferring and are threatened by communist China.
We the people of this world are deeply concern about the condition of people in Tibet and therefore we called for a UN-led fact-finding mission to observe the situation in Tibet.
UN must send a UN-led fact-finding mission to observe the situation in Tibet.
Lets sign a petition: Call for UN Fact-finding Mission to Tibet  Click Here to Sign or go to this link:
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Timeline of Tibetan protests in China  2011 - 2012
On March 16, a monk named Phuntsog set himself on fire to protest the third anniversary of the 2008 protests, according to Free Tibet.

August 2011 -- A 29-year-old monk, Tsewang Norbu, sets himself ablaze after chanting slogans, according to Free Tibet. The self immolations continue, and by October a nun -- the first woman -- is reported to have killed herself, the ninth Tibetan to commit self- immolation in protest.

January 2012 -- Three more monks set themselves ablaze in protest, bringing the number who have self-immolated in protest to 16 since March 2011, Free Tibet claims. Twelve are thought to have died from their injuries.

Thousands of Chinese security forces have flooded into an ethnically Tibetan area of southwestern China following large protests in the wake of the self-immolations.
Febuary 2012 -- Three Tibetan set themselves on fire on Friday in Seda county, known as Serthar in Tibetan, in Sichuan province, calling for freedom for Tibet and the return of exiled Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama. One person died at the scene, while the other two -- Tsaptsai Tsering, 60, and Kyarel, 30 -- were seriously injured, it said, citing unidentified sources. It said it could not identify the dead person.
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Information on Human Right and Freedom Repression in Tibet

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