Monday, July 18, 2011

Jan Parliament’ is a viable

Jan Parliament’ is a viable and effective alternative to Controversial and Political Lokpal. Lok Sabha is not performing its assigned task, members on average don’t even spend 5% of the official time in parliament – most of the time there are not even 10% members present in Lok Sabha and there are frequent boycotts and 80% of them are not adequately qualified– one entire session was lost on JPC issue. (‘Jan Parliament’ is adopted to avoid copyright conflict) ‘Jan Parliament’ operating from Delhi shall be an assembly of Un- elected ‘Leading Personalities of India from diverse fields’ – that shall assemble at a venue - A senior retired Supreme Court judge on rotation basis may preside over the daily Open Sessions function like a Court shall debate and discuss Issues to – 1. Prevent Corruption, Frauds & Waste of Public Money, 2. Discuss Merits and Demerits of Government Policies & Laws, 3. Analyze Performance of States and Companies and PSUs 4. Hear Presentations of Experts and Activists, 5. Filter PILs before filings in the Supreme Court to make them serve ‘Public Purpose’ than Political Goals to balance the Supreme Court response. 6. At the end of each day make ‘Thoughtful Recommendations.’ Thus ‘Jan Parliament’ shall assist in framing ‘Laws Acceptable to Our People and assist Judiciary in performing its Constitutional function with greater efficiency and effectiveness’ and Plug Loopholes in Systems.

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