Thursday, July 21, 2011

Further-Phone hacking case : Cameron

Mr. Cameron said, he had done nothing wrong in the now mothballed Murdoch bid for BSkyB and also had no dealings with another NOTW hacking suspect Neil Wallis. He defended his former Communications Chief, saying Coulson should be held innocent until proven guilty, making an emergency statement to Parliament on the phone-hacking scandal. Mr. Cameron nevertheless said, he would offer a profound apology if Coulson came out tainted in the scandal. Dwelling on the larger fall out of the scandal that has shaken British media like never before, Mr. Cameron said, inquiry into the phone hacking case will be widened to examine the conduct of individuals in the police, media and politics. There was loud jeering from the Opposition benches as Cameron launched a spirited defence in which the Prime Minister tried to suggest that he was above party politics by emphasising the steps being taken to reform relationships between politicians, police and the media.

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