Sunday, June 5, 2011

Kapil:Law to declare black money as national assets

Nksagar-Sagar Media Inc: New Delhi India : Kapil Sibal said it is firm on bringing a law to declare black money as national assets and Govt on Saturday reiterated that it has shown firm resolve in tackling the issue of blackmoney and is committed on bringing a law to declare black money as national asset.Speaking to reporters in New Delhi, Union Minister Kapil Sibal said, the formation of a committee under Central Board of Direct Taxes Chairman to look into the legal aspects of the issue, in itself shows govt's commitment in the matter.He said the govt has honoured all its commitment on the issue of corruption and black money which have been acknowledged by Baba Ramdev himself in a written statement.On the issue of corruption, Kapil Sibal said that the lokpal drafting committee is already looking into the demand of giving stringent punishment to the corrupt. He further said various other issues of Public services delivery bill, increased use of Indian languages in technical education and amendments to Land Acquisition bill are also being pursued vigorously.We are ready to declare black money stashed abroad as national wealth, says HRD Minister Kapil Sibal.We have already reached out, but we can also rein in. We are accommodative but we can also be firm, says Sibal.We have honoured all our commitments. If he continues with his fast, then whatever it is, says Sibal. PTI reports Baba Ramdev today began an indefinite fast against blackmoney but by the end of the day he was in a tight corner after government released a letter from his aide that he would call off the agitation by mid-day.As talks failed, the two sides blamed each other of having gone back on their commitments and Ramdev accused the government of "betrayal and cheating".Union Minister Kapil Sibal's release of the letter by Acharya Balkrishan, Ramdev's key aide, led to attack by the Yoga Guru that government was indulging in "betrayal and cheating" and that he would now only go by any word from Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, whom he still respects. Comments by various person after Govt forcefully ends Baba fast. Baba fly in chopper of the PM to undisclosed destination: Nitin Gadkari: 'Crackdown reminds of Emergency days; Congress not ready to discuss corruption through democratic means': BJP chief Nitin Gadkari. Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi, spokesman for the main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party, condemned the police action. "This government has no will to fight corruption," he said. Arvind Kejriwal, an activist not at the scene, described the government's decision to break up the hunger strike as "highly undemocratic." "There was no provocation to assault people like this as they remained peaceful," he told reporters. Brig R S Chhikara: But See , this Baba could not match the mantris in deceipt and guill. You have to be sharp and cunning like a cat to beat a politician and a lawyer at that. I am afraid the Sibbals have succeeded in discrediting the Baba to a great extent . he is that much weaker and defensive today unless we stand behind him. Yet it will never be the same again. Watch him trying to defend and explain himself over the following weeks and months. That is why I had suggested that the campaign should include some experienced politicians up front,said Brig R S Chhikara

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