Sunday, June 19, 2011

Govt to invite all political parties for discussion on draft Lok Pal bill

United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) is the first legally binding international anti-corruption instrument. In its 8 Chapters and 71 Articles, the UNCAC obliges its States Parties to implement a wide and detailed range of anti-corruption measures affecting their laws, institutions and practices. These measures aim to promote the prevention, criminalization and law enforcement, international cooperation, asset recovery, technical assistance and information exchange, and mechanisms for implementation. Better Late than never draft Lok pal bill which needs attention of all political parties before it is placed in Parliament and the Political outfits think tank needs to go through the draft thoroughly Government finally says it will discuss the draft Lok Pal Bill with all political parties and seek the opinion of State Chief Ministers before sending it to the Union Cabinet for approval. With the issue of bringing Prime Minister within the ambit of the Lokpal remaining a ticklish affair, Government is expected to soon call an all-party meeting to seek views across the political spectrum. This became clear on Saturday after a meeting of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Congress President Sonia Gandhi had with top party leaders favouring such parleys against the backdrop of widening differences between the government and the civil society representatives led by Anna Hazare on the issue. In an interview to Doordarshan Human Resource Development Minister Kapil Sibal said, the agreements and disagreements on the draft will be presented before political parties. He said, after the cabinet approval, the bill will be introduced in Parliament.The Hazare camp is pitching for inclusion of Prime Minister as also higher judiciary in the proposed Lokpal bill during meetings of the Joint Committee to draft the measure which will now be meeting on June 20 and 21.Government is prima facie opposed to the inclusion of Prime Minister within the ambit of Lokpal but was open to the idea of covering him once he demits office. In another interview to a private TV channel, Mr. Sibal said the government is opposed to bringing the post of Prime Minister under the purview of Lokpal till he demits office. He said it is not a question of an individual but an institution and asserted that no Prime Minister in office anywhere in the world has ever been prosecuted. He also ruled out opening the conduct of MPs inside Parliament and the higher judiciary to the scrutiny of the Lokpal. He said, he is not in favour of bringing CBI and CVC under the Lok Pal and that the government is flexible on the issue of inclusion of officials below the level of Joint Secretary under the Lokpal. The Congress core committee met in New Delhi yesterday to discuss the issue of bringing the Prime Minister within the ambit of Lokpal as differences have emerged between the government and the civil society representatives on the issue. All party meeting is likely to be called soon to discuss the issue. Meanwhile, Karnataka Lokayukt Santosh Hegde who is a member of the Lok Pal Bill drafting committee, said in Bangaluru that he is not in favour of Anna Hazare undertaking his planned fast from Aug. 16, if a strong Lokpal Bill is not prepared. BJP chief spokesperson Ravishankar Prasad told reporters in Patna that BJP has a categorical view on the issue of corruption but declined to answer whether his party favoured the Prime Minister being brought within the ambit of the proposed legislation. The CPI said the draft Lok Pal bill should be circulated among the political parties for a proper debate. CPI leader D Raja said in New Delhi that once his party gets a communication, it will definitely discuss it within the party and also consult other Left parties and take a s

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