Monday, March 9, 2009

Pyongyang army on altert: Asean news

North Korea put its army on high alert Monday as the United States and the South began their annual military exercises, increasing tensions in the region to their highest point in years.North Korea announced Friday that it is withdrawing from all political and military agreements with South Korea, accusing Seoul of pushing relations to the brink of war।

2008-12-13 Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso with Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao and South Korean President Lee Myung-bak met at home district of Fukoka to "strengthen cooperation" to combat the crisis।The three also called for the quick set-up of a regional fund to prevent further crises. A fund had been agreed to during the 10-nation Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) summit in October. At the time, more attention was given to the fact that the countries, who have had historic rocky ties, met and agreed on a plan of action.Japan, China and South Korea make up three-quarters of Asia's gross domestic product (GDP).

The three also called for the quick set-up of a regional fund to prevent further crises. A fund had been agreed to during the 10-nation Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) summit in October।

Kim Jong Il’s communist government also said that it was pushing ahead with the launch of a communications satellite, something that neighbouring countries worry could be cover for a missile test. North warned that any attempt to prevent the launch would be met with force. “Shooting our satellite for peaceful purposes will precisely mean war,” a North Korean military representative said.The North’s military was ordered to be “fully combat ready”, a manÅ“uvre downplayed by the South as “rhetoric”.

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