Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Parliament is sovereign institution

The Parliament is sovereign institution
No need for immediate impeachment of President Pervez Musharraf

23.02.2008 20:22:54 PPP’s future stance over Taliban, Amin Fahim said his party does not support terrorism anywhere in the world, adding the party will seek the issue resolution through the parliament.

( - ISLAMABAD: Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) Vice Chairman Makhdoom Amin Fahim said there is no need for immediate impeachment of President Pervez Musharraf; however, the parliament is sovereign institution and it will take into consideration all issues, adding he does not want the confrontation at present.

He said, in an interview, PPP leadership is aware of all problems of the country; however, this is an organized party and has experts to cope with the problems.

Responding a query regarding his readiness to adopt the Prime Minister office despite the expected pressure on the next premier, Amin Fahim said if he is given this responsibility, he would work with complete devotion.

Answering a question regarding PPP’s future stance over Taliban, Amin Fahim said his party does not support terrorism anywhere in the world, adding the party will seek the issue resolution through the parliament.

Prime Minister Muhammedmian Soomro said the better decisions over the future matters would be taken up by the new parliament.

Addressing a scholarship distribution ceremony Saturday at Punjab University here, he said investor-friendly policies are being pursued so that more jobs are created in various sectors, adding the government would continue efforts to reduce poverty and unemployment in order to uplift living standard of the people.

He said technical education is being promoted to create more jobs and self-employment opportunities for youth. He said 15000 scholarships would soon be provided to deserving students after completion of proper procedure.

Soomro said as teachers are national assets, their service structure has been improved to give them due status in society.

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