Thursday, February 21, 2008

Mush push Swiss court to prosecute Zaradari

Nawaz,Zardari talk on national consensus government:
Zardari faces money laundering charges in Swiss Court

21.02.2008 05:25:05 Musharraf Pushes Swiss to Prosecute as ZardariZaradari and Nawaz are meeting today on Thursday to discusss the formation of coalition government or national government accommodating the splinter group with exclusion of Mushraff PML {Q} party.

( - PPP Co-Chairman expressed his commitment in this direction further said the party will meet with Pakistan Muslim League-N Chief Nawaz Sharif to discuss matter relating to the formation of the next government.Journalist received their reply on subject of President Mushraff,to continue as the President“The parliament will decide with which president it will function and with which one it will not.”Co-chairman of PP quipped.

But Zardari clearly backtracked on calls Tuesday for Musharraf to immediately resign, saying he would meet Sharif Thursday to discuss coalition options. He said that several small, regional parties would also be invited to join.

The results of 262 of 272 contested National Assembly seats,PPP, Bhutto’s party won 87 seats, followed by opposition leader Nawaz Sharif’s Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) with 67 seats, and the former ruling party PML-Q stood third with 40 seats.

Speaking at a news conference two days after the parliamentary elections, Zardari said the new Prime Minister should have authority and PPP would like to sit on the opposition benches if that did not happen.

Asif Zardari said there was a need to give provincial autonomy to provinces and those who took up arms in Baluchistan should be included in political mainstream He said there would be no objection by PPP if Nawaz Sharif wanted to include the independent candidates.

His party stood for changing the system in the country and for that a consensus government was necessary, he added.

About the issue of reinstatement of sacked judges, Zardari said his party also believed in this but it also wanted full autonomy for the judicial system in the future.

He said Pemra ordinance would have to be repealed to enable the media to fully play their role as watchdog on the government functioning.

“We have today received a letter from the United Nations saying they will conduct probe into the assassination of Ms Benazir Bhutto if the government of Pakistan asks for the same” he told reporters.

He asked the Chief Election Commissioner not to temper the electoral results. He said PPP alone could form Sindh government but they would like to partner with the MQM strengthening the national reconciliation process. He said all the cases against him still existed.President spokesman rejected demands that President Musharraf should quit after the defeat of the PML-Q in the general election. He said the demand had not been made by the PPP, the MQM or the PML-Q. He said the president had already been elected for a five-year term and there was no justification for demanding his resignation.

President Musharraf was quoted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a statement as telling a US Senate delegation that he hoped the new government would focus on the future.

The US Senate delegation comprising Senators Joseph Biden, John Kerry and Chuck Hagel, who were here to observe the polls, had called on the president at the Aiwan-e-Sadar.

President of Afghanistan, Hamid Karzai telephoned the co-chairman, Asif Ali Zardari and congratulated him.

He said that which ever the government would be formed in Pakistan the Afghan government would work with it for peace and security of the region.

Pakistan road to democracy tale took new twist yesterday when the government reinvented to pursue with reinvigorated a Swiss corruption case against the PPP Co-Chairman Asif Zardari on the eve of post-election power sharing talks that threaten isolation of President Pervez Musharraf.

Government lawyers urged a court in Geneva to prosecute, Zardari Leader of Pakistan People's party won the most seats in Monday's election and is on to formation of coalition or national government, on decade old charges of money laundering as stashing $55m in kickbacks in a Swiss bank account.

This move is seen as a pressure tactic against Zardari, the husband of the assassinated Benazir Bhutto, as he prepared to start negotiations later today for a coalition government with the second-placed opposition leader, Nawaz Sharif, who has campaigned to oust Musharraf.

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