Saturday, December 29, 2007

Benazir assassinated in Liaquat Bagh Rawalpindi

Chairperson, Pakistan Peoples Party, Ms Benazir Bhutto was killed by gunman with Ak 47, and coupled with bomb blast killing at the spot,thirty persons and several others injured in an attack here outside Liaquat Bagh, Rawalpindi on Thursday,27 December, as she came out after addressing a public rally at 5.30PM,She was inside the vehicle and was coming out from the gate after addressing the rally when some of the youths started chanting slogans in her favor. Then I saw a smiling Bhutto emerging from the vehicle"s roof and responding to their slogans," he said.

“Then I saw a thin, young man jumping toward her vehicle from the back and opening fire. Moments later, I saw her speeding vehicle going away," he added. Bhutto was rushed to the hospital and taken into emergency surgery. She died about an hour after the attack. At 6:16 p.m., she expired," said Wasif Ali Khan, a member of Bhutto"s party who was at Rawalpindi General Hospital..

According to rescue team more than 30 persons were dead in the suicide bomb attack occurred after the public meeting of PPP here at Liaquat Bagh. Earlier, Asif Zardari, husband of Ms Benazir Bhutto informed that she had sustained serious injuries and was given medical treatment at a hospital.Benazir Bhutto addressed a public meeting in
Liaquat Bagh and soon after she went out, a suicide bomb blast occurred outside the venue killing thirty persons including policemen. Body parts of a number of people scattered around after the power blast.Police have described the blast a suicide attack.

Leader of PPP, Farhatullah Babur said sound of a powerful blast was heard when the vehicle of Benazir Bhutto was moving past the gate of the bagh.The rescue team said the blast took lives of more than 30 persons.

Asif Ali Zardari, husband of Benazir Bhutto informed that she had received severe injuries. The police sources also confirmed that Bhutto has sustained critical injuries and shifted to a hospital.Nawaz Sharif, former premier and opposition leader, arrived at the hospital sat silently next to Bhutto"s body. The latest reports said that Benazir Bhutto was killed by fire hitting her neck.

The death of PPP Chairperson agitated the party workers.PML (N)Chief, Mian Nawaz Sharif, condemned strong words the attack on PPP public meeting. He said the PML (N) public meeting scheduled to be held in Rawalpindi had been cancelled in view of the tragic incident.

Death of international leader Benazir has stunned the global Leader their hope the restoration of democracy in Pakistan the nuclear state needed her most at the time of of crisis left the void of her suave personality for the people of Pakistan and leaders of the world.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said Ms Bhutto was irreplaceable, and noted she had striven to improve relations between the two nuclear-armed countries.I was deeply shocked and horrified to hear of the heinous assassination," Singh said. “In her death, the subcontinent has lost an outstanding leader who worked for democracy and
reconciliation in her country."

“Certainly, we condemn the attack on this rally," said deputy State Department spokesman Tom Casey. “It demonstrates that there are still those in Pakistan who want to subvert reconciliation and efforts to advance democracy."

Foreign Secretary David Miliband said he was “deeply shocked".Benazir Bhutto showed in her words and actions a deep commitment to her country," Miliband said.

Italian Premier Romano Prodi said he was filled with grief and called Ms Bhutto “a woman who chose to fight her battle until the end with a single weapon, the one of dialogue and political debate."

Russian President Vladmir Putin"s envoy on international cooperation against terrorism, expressed fears the assassination would trigger violent repercussions.The already unstable situation in Pakistan will be further exacerbated by this powerful factor," he said.

French President Sarkozy said I condemn this odious act with the greatest severity.Terrorism and violence have no place in the democratic debate and in the combat of ideas and programmes. More than ever it is necessary for the [Pakistani]
legislative elections to… take place in conditions of pluralism,transparency and security.

FREDERICO LOMBARDI,Vatican spokesman said This attack shows how extremely difficult it is to pacify a nation so wrought by violence.We share the sadness of the Pakistani population.

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