Tuesday, October 2, 2007

US Envoy Ibrahim Gambri on way back home via Singapore

US Envoy Ibrahim Gambri on way back home via Singapore

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon instructed Gambari in a recent telephone conversation to deliver a message to the generals, UN spokeswoman Marie Okabe said.The secretary general asked his envoy to call on the Myanmar authorities to cease the repression of peaceful protest, release the detainees and move more credibly and inclusively in the direction of democratic reform, human rights and national reconciliation," Okabe said in New York. Ibrahim Gambari, special envoy to Burma, was given an appointment to meet with senior General Than Shwein in capital, Naypyita..Ibrahim Gambari has flown out of Burma following meetings with the head of the country's military junta, Than Shwe and second round of talks with Burma's democracy icon Leader Aung San Suu Kyi in Yangon, where he spent 15 minutes with Aung San Suu Kyi at the military guest house where he also saw her for more than an hour on Sunday, an official said.US Envoy is on way back home may reveal the out come of his meeting with Burmese leaders may be at Singapore.

Has the UN envoy been able to achieve his goal?
Secondly Are the people of Burma been able to communicate with their governance community.?
Normalcy has now returned in Myanmar,"Nyan Win, the country's foreign minister, told the UN General Assembly' He accused "political opportunists" backed by foreign powers of trying to derail its move towards a "disciplined democracy".
The comments by the onlooker on the road said,All the main shrines are open. There are fewer soldiers, significantly, on street corners." "It seems ike the backbone of the protesters has been broken for now,"

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon instructed Gambari in a recent telephone conversation to deliver a message to the generals, UN spokeswoman Marie Okabe said. The secretary general asked his envoy to call on the Myanmar authorities to cease the repression of peaceful protest, release the detainees and move more credibly and inclusively in the direction of democratic reform, human rights and national reconciliation," Okabe said in New York.

Ibrahim Gambari, special envoy to Burma, was given an appointment to meet with
senior General Than Shwein in capital, Naypyitaw.
"It will not be a fruitful visit unless he manages to arrange a meeting between Suu Kyi and Than Shwe," said Zinn Linn, a spokesman of the self-styled Myanmar government in exile in Bangkok. "His mission is very weak. He should do more than this."
Posted by Nksagar at 5:09 AM 0 comments

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