Monday, October 15, 2007

UN Envoy shuttles to Myanmar-EU Slam sanction

Asean issued a statement expressing its horror and anger. . We had
been reluctant to do so because Myanmar is a member of the Asean
family. For some time now, we had stopped defending Myanmar
internationally because it became no longer credible.
European Union foreign ministers meeting Monday will assess ways to
punish the military junta in Myanmar for its crackdown on opposition
forces and expected to slap a slew of new sanctions against Myanmar"s
military regime, including fresh bans on investments, visa bans and a
freeze on junta members" assets.
Myanmar imported almost $1.7 billion in weapons from China,
Russia came in second place at $396 million, followed by Serbia and
Ukraine from 1988 to 2006 according to records kept by the Arms
Transfers Project of the Stockholm International Peace Research
Myanmar"s junta restored Internet service and relaxed a nighttime
curfew, easing a crackdown on pro-democracy activists as a UN envoy
went to Asia on Sunday.
Ibrahim Gambari was flying into Bangkok ahead of talks on Monday with
Thailand"s leaders, then on to travel to Malaysia, Indonesia, India,
China and Japan before returning to Myanmar to meet the junta to
convince its halt its crackdown on protesters. He brings the message
of UN "s for Junta to start to open talks with the democratic
opposition to bring peace in the region.
“We are encouraging special envoy Gambari to get back to Burma as
soon as possible," US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, “I think
that the unrest that apparently happened overnight clearly demonstrate
there needs to be an international presence on the ground," “.And
since Mr Gambari is going to go in several Asian capitals we have
encouraged him to go to Burma as fast as possible." she said.
“Given the continuing abuses of the junta on Burma, we urge UN special
advisor Gambari to return to Burma as soon as possible," said White
House spokesman Tony Fratto.
“We would like to see advisor Gambari visit Burma before he visits
other regional capitals."

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