Thursday, October 4, 2007

A meet with Ex PM Chandershekhar in the Year 1985

A meet with Ex PM Chandershekhar in year 1985
International non-violence day is birthday of Mahatama Gandhi,Ex PM Lal Bahadhur Shastri,Madam Annie Beasnt EX President of Congress party of India.

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2007-10-03 21:08:49 - United Nation has in its resolution on June resolved to celebrate 2 Oct as International non-violence day to make global community understand the importance of peace in our daily life.

My thought goes to my parlor meeting with former Prime Minister of India ,during discussion we were trying to find out the root of rampant corruption in high places which he had solo -slogan during the period of galvanizing the Janata dal in the year 1985.He gave a very appropriate answers to our thought and provoking discussion,Chandershekhar said," we are
country with hardly thirty five years age of independence and to expect all countrymen to work in perfection is next to impossible as the experience we have is too insignificant, is that of British raj or foreign rulers."

Further another point came out of churning that the Slavery of so many hundred years has made our social mind work in closed atmosphere and it will take more years for people to exert and give their opinions with zeal,enthusiasm or for social cause as we progress ,economically,socially and politically. The native of our country mostly talks in second person to Many express their views and feel that their expression will make an impact as the message has been delivered,the social cause to which we address must reflect out concern emotions,truthfulness,problems presently faced by us ,future problems which can culminate into division of community,society,cause and its redressal for which how ,where and when the subject or the social cause must be rightly addressed with punch of inspiration so that work force or the people engaged in that area of service needs to be rejuvenated for the noble cause .
We pose as if all is well and we are the excellent creature who live with decent etiquette and the one who raises point of social cause is a rebel and as slave I can live under all circumstances as my thoughts are noble ,content does not raise any hue or cry. Ok then let your fellow being keep on creating unhealthy environment lets be quiet so that we are prepared to die either with improper sanitation or by rain falter-agrarian society,contentious policies loaded in hurl-burly for the short gains,working against the Indian jurisprudence,family culture,communal or cult nexus of all sorts is dreaded disease which is floating at every nook and corner for the benefits of few and loss for many more.
The problem is not that acute as i have elaborated but yet it needs a yardstick of some common citizen who wants to live in peace and harmony without harming others interest who are on the run to make fast buck with wily-nilly desire.
Most of the peoples are working for the system throughout their life in which they are exposed to some culture of that system or order of the organization. Many are working for their unit family is the chief reasons but is very shy to go in social activity as the many propants describe it with various filthy names and discourage other to get into it.Those who discourage others are weak character or wants to hold continuous their affiliations or for other ulterior motives.
Lack in social awareness is the chief reasons by which we suffer and loose our right to exert and find no rostrum to display our emotions for our social need.Society must come forward with novel ideas so that peoples meet not only on one subject but on various subjects concerning various stratas of societies work in tandem or in axis to cultivate to exercise our right for the benefit of not an individuals but for all section of this society.

Some people came to me and asked why my rally is not getting success ,my answer to my noble friends was that you are not offering the peoples participating in your rally with minimum amount of water,drinks,food and you want them to exert in scorching heat.Next rally was organized with sumptuous lunch and rally rallied more than thousand .

Next falls in line to the category of people who are in the knowledge does not part with it to make their worth of a man of wisdom.A rapid pace of development and the communication making a quantum jump the man in wisdom remains tattered one as the wisdom now is -press button away from us , as we press the button of the computer the wisdom unrolls out with our search in plethora,the narrow markers remains jittery ones.

Supreme court of India going electronic will make the nation flow more faster as the PIl shall be lodged by the person sitting in remote place or village unconnected materially but electronically connected with the highest law enforcer for the common cause. Word of wisdom given by our great leader that as the education grows,intellect grows,horizon of peoples thinking also gets extended,hence Mr Chandrasekhar always propagated to get woman educated first so that the entire family gets elevation from the Saviour of the society. Girl education which was started by Madam Annie Bes ant in year of 1907 ,school exclusively for girls adjacent to Jam ma Masjid area ,which is still running was the first eve school in this country when being the President of Congress party she could not get eve school teacher and had to arrange for abroad.

As I am writing about her ,who has not only helped to carve the congress party of India but the spiritual movement in this country to the International theosophical society to which she headed as its president for more than thirty years.Today happens to be her birthday along with Father of Nation ,Mahatma Gandhi,plus the birthday of our former Prime Minister Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri, two noble soul of this country. when we read the sketches of these great men or women we find that their social involvement was immense which made them rose to such high caliber and standards. The social organization or non-governmental organization must keep on making pro gramme to create social awareness so that the society does not remain in the darks shells which may lead them to hell.Government has made many awareness pro gramme which needs the coordination of NGO and social organization to make it spread in the society for its welfare.

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